Fallout 4 given November 2015 release date

Publisher Bethesda made the announcement at its press conference at the Electronic Entertainment Expo, also known as the E3 games show, in Los Angeles.
It also showed off a remake of iconic game Doom - out in Spring 2016 - and Dishonored 2.
Both Fallout 4 and Dishonored 2 will feature playable female characters.
The publisher's event kicked off the biggest week in the calendar for the video games industry.
Tomorrow will see similar events from Microsoft and Sony as they lay out their plans for the Xbox and PlayStation consoles over the next year.
On Tuesday, E3 will open its doors to the trade, press and around 5,000 members of the public.

Lead females

Bethesda was the first of the major game publishers to hold an E3 event.
"I thought it was strong," said Rob Crossley, UK editor of Gamespot, who was at the event. "It was robust. I think they had a lot to show."
The company had shared a trailer for Fallout 4 earlier this month, but gameplay sequences were shown for the first time on Sunday.
A companion game called Fallout Shelter, which is played on a mobile application, was also announced.
In what was billed by Bethesda as a highly customisable environment, players can select a female lead character.
Dishonored 2 also features a female lead character - news which was greeted with cheers in the audience at Hollywood's Dolby Theatre.
"I think it's a really strong move, and I think it deserves a lot of credit," said Mr Crossley.
"Over the past few years we've seen a growing understanding and acceptance that the industry needs to be more inclusive in how it welcomes women into games."
